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Rinjin ni Kowasareteiku Ore no Tsuma [Eng] [Waffle]

Rinjin ni Kowasareteiku Ore no Tsuma [Eng] [Waffle]


While going on a business trip, Kazuki receives a mysterious link.
When he click on it out of curiosity, he sees a video of a woman who looks like his wife being violated.
After returning from the trip and carefully questioning his wife,
he is relieved to see that everything seems normal.



Title: Rinjin ni Kowasareteiku Ore no Tsuma
Original Title:  隣人に壊されていく俺の妻
Developer: Waffle  Website
Language: English
Last update: 2023-11-09




1. Extract and run it by Locale Emulator.


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