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Hiroki NTR Part 1, 2 & 3 Final [Zulyus] Free Download

Hiroki NTR Part 1, 2 & 3 Final [Zulyus] Free Download


This is a NTR visual Novel About a guy name Hiroki. An average high school student.
People calling him a nerd … an Otaku.. but he doesn’t care about all that.
If there’s something not average about Hiroki is that he have a “girlfriend” name Yuumi…
Yuumi is rich, smart, good at anything she does, and beautiful.
How did they become a couple ? .. They’ve know each other from kindergarten.
She agree to become his girlfriend cause she feel bad for him that’s all !
Will they live happily ever after ? … NO ? the title say it all lol !
But what’s gonna happen ?
Play and find out​



Title: Hiroki NTR Part 1, 2 & 3 Final
Original Title: Hiroki NTR
Developer: Zulyus – telegram icon Patreon
Language: English 
Last update: 2021-11-02




1. Extract and run.


Download Hiroki NTR Part 1

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Download Hiroki NTR Part 2

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Download Hiroki NTR Part 3

